Tip #3: Think in terms of Percentages, not in terms of sheer Size:
• The size of your salary does not matter as much as the PERCENTAGE of it that you can manage to save, year after year;
• The size of your bank account does not matter as much as the annual RETURN on your investments;
• The size of your debt does not matter as much as your CAPACITY to repay it;
• The size of your investment portfolio does not matter as much as how much of it is DIVERSIFIED;
• The size of your retirement budget does not matter as much as what PERCENTAGE of it is funded by social security and other non-portfolio sources (i.e. rental income, pension, etc.);
• Your age does not matter nearly as much as the PERCENTAGE of your life that you've allocated to developing unique skills, saving, investing and growing personally.
Fast-forward your wealth with Next Pronto TIPS.